Last updated: August 10th, 2020
Dear YC Family, we pray this update finds you all well.
First off, congratulations to all the cub scout graduates! may Allah bless you all, the volunteers and the families!
Secondly, I would like to share the following programming by your YC!
(1) KG-5 TEAM S.T.E.A.M Week-Camps (July 27 – Aug 6):
- This is a free camp aiming to expose elementary students to STEAM topics. For more info & registration, please go to: Website
(2) Family Trivia – Kahoot Night! (2nd/4th Sundays):
- The theme for tomorrow is, Virtues of Dhul Hijjah, Hajj Rituals & more.
And what is better than coming together for a family trivia and learning, together! For more info & join please go to: Website
(3) Bite-Sized Science (Bi-Monthly on Fridays):
- A series of experiments to spark curiosity and engage the minds! The presentations are done by fellow youth, with the objective to inspire others to improve the world through inventions. Ep1 | Flyer Below.
(4) Resilience of Ibrahim AS – Let’s Recharge Our Hearts (daily @ 7):
Please check out the flyers for all the programs mentioned above below. Please join us and share with family and friends. Take Care!