Masjid Directory

Everyone in the community needs to know its elected representatives, as well as people that are entrusted with key roles and responsibilities in the running and management of the masjid.  The directory shown below is intended to help make that possible.

Note that this directory contains people that were elected as well as those that were appointed.  Associate Director as well as Area Representatives are elected positions.  Everyone else on the list was appointed to their position based on their interest and desire to serve the community of this masjid.  The name and contact email for each of the nominated committees formed to serve specific areas of the masjid are also listed below.  For all of the Area Representatives the emails are setup using their name: <first name>.<last name> For example, the email for Br. Misbah Abbasi is [email protected].

If you find that any contact information listed here is inaccurate, or you are just not able to get a hold of someone from this list, please email us at [email protected] and we will make any required corrections, and follow up on your behalf.

Abdelhamid Moursy

Associate Director

The Associate Director is the leader of the Masjid Council. The Zonal Director and the Associate Director together constitute the Zonal Executive Committee. Refer to the ISGH Constitution and Bylaws for more details. Br. Nadir can be contacted via email at [email protected]

    Javvad Qasimi

    General Secretary

    General Secretary is nominated by the Associate Director, and confirmed by the Masjid Council. The General Secretary is responsible for all administrative duties for the council, including the recording of meeting minutes. He can be contacted via email at [email protected]

      Umaid Azhar

      Masjid Administrator

      Br. Umaid Azhar is the full time masjid administrator. He is available to help with any masjid related request. Please contact via email at [email protected]

        Iqbal Al-Luqman

        Area Representative

        Br. Iqbal Al-Luqman is one of the two area representatives for the 77070 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

          Mohammad Nazeer Ahmed

          Area Representative

          Br. Nazeer Ahmed" is one of two area representatives for the 77070 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

            Ammar Syed

            Area Representative

            Br. Ammar Syed is one of the four area representatives for the 77379 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

              Abdurrehman Ansari

              Area Representative

              Br. Abdurrehman Ansari is one of the four area representatives for the 77379 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

                Rizwan Syed

                Area Representative

                Br. Rizwan Syed is one of the four area representatives for the 77379 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

                  Muhammad Usman Khan

                  Area Representative

                  Br. Usman Khan is one of the four area representatives for the 77379 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

                    Mohammed Jamal

                    Area Representative

                    Br. Mohammed Jamal is one of the two area representative for the 77375 zip code. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

                      Misbah (Nadeem) Abbasi

                      Area Representative / Media Secretary

                      Br. Nadeem Abbasi is one of the two area representatives for the 77375 zip code. He also serves as the lead of the Media Committee. He is responsible for the masjid's email campaigns, social media presence, website, and the Digital Signage system utilized within the masjid. He can be contacted via email at [email protected] or [email protected].

                        Rose Anita Mohamed

                        Area Representative

                        Sr. Rose Anita Mohamed is the area representative for the 77388 zip code. She can be contacted via email at [email protected] .

                          Tawab Attaie

                          Area Representative

                          Br. Tawab Attaie is the area representative for multiple zip codes that include 77024, 77060, 77064, 77065, 77066, 77068, 77069, 77090, 77304, 77373, 77375, 77378, 77380, 77382, 77385, 77386, 77389, 77396, , 77433, and 78253. He can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected].


                            Atif Mirza

                            Area Representative

                            Br. Atif Mirza is the area representative for the 77377 zip code. He can be contacted via email at [email protected].

                              Mohiaddin Syed

                              Area Representative

                              Br. Mohiaddin Syed is the area representative for the 77429 zip code. He can be contacted via email at [email protected].

                                Murriam Mubeen

                                Sister At-Large

                                Sister Murriam Mubeen has been appointed to the Sister At Large position by the duly elected council members. She is also the Sisters Committee Chair. She can be contacted by emailing her at [email protected]

                                  Rabeeya Khan

                                  YOUTH AT-LARGE

                                  Sr. Rabeeya Khan holds the Youth At Large position in the masjid council. She can be contacted by emailing him at [email protected]

                                    Nayyer Nadir

                                    Weekend Islamic School Principal

                                    Sister Nayyer Nadir is the Principal of the Weekend Islamic School. She can be contacted by emailing her at [email protected]

                                      Masjid Committees | Chair Persons | Contact Email

                                      Reza Bacchus

                                      Education Secretary

                                      Email: [email protected]

                                        Saif Usmani

                                        Membership Secretary

                                        Email: [email protected]

                                          Waqar Khan

                                          Finance Secretary

                                          Email: [email protected]

                                            Hamed Khan

                                            Security Committee Chair

                                            Email: [email protected]


                                              Construction Committee Chair

                                              Email: [email protected]

                                                Musa Khan

                                                Office of Youth Development (OYD)

                                                Email: [email protected]

                                                  Syed Abdur Razzaq

                                                  Maintenance Committee Chair

                                                  Email: [email protected]

                                                    Ashfaq Peer

                                                    Zakah Committee Chair

                                                    Email: [email protected]

                                                      Ahsan UlHaq

                                                      Dawah and Outreach Committee Chair

                                                      Email: [email protected]

                                                        Saleem Shaikh

                                                        Sports & Games Committee Chair

                                                        Email: [email protected]

                                                          Humaira Mirza

                                                          Scouts Committee Chair

                                                          Email: [email protected]

                                                            Ebrahim Dadabhoy / Ameer Bacchus

                                                            Save‐A‐Dime Committee Chair

                                                            Email: [email protected]

                                                              Syed Moinuddin

                                                              Seniors Committee Chair

                                                              Email: [email protected]

                                                                Amjad Usmani

                                                                Organization & Record Secretary

                                                                Email: [email protected]

                                                                  Chad Khan

                                                                  Civic Engagement Committee Chair

                                                                  Email: [email protected]

                                                                    Iqbal Luqman

                                                                    Social Events Committee Chair

                                                                    Email: [email protected]

                                                                      Yaser El Samman

                                                                      Scholarship Committee

                                                                      Email: [email protected]

                                                                        Ameer Bacchus

                                                                        Scholarship Committee

                                                                        Email: [email protected]

                                                                          Masjid Committees | Chair Person | Contact Email: