WHAT: Hifdh and nazirah classes
WHERE: Virtual and in-person
WHO: Girls, ages 5 to 18
DATES: Thursday, January 12, 2023 to Friday, March 17, 2023
Virtual: Fridays, 3:30 pm—6:30 pm via zoom (link will be provided by the teacher)
In-person: Saturdays, 12:00 pm—3:00 pm in Room 214 at Masjid al Salam
TEACHER: Shaikha Sadia Rizwana (Hafizah and certified Tajweed teacher)
FEE: $60
FOR MORE INFO AND TO REGISTER: bit.ly/spring23girlsquran
Fees must be paid online to complete the registration and guarantee a seat.
Need-based scholarships funded by Sadaqah are available from the Admin Office.