Reflections on Ramadan w/ Shaykh Mamdouh

WHO: Open to everyone

WHEN: Friday, May 6 | 8:05 pm onwards (after maghrib)

WHERE: Main prayer hall | Live via

One of the most frequent ad’iyah that the Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ used to make was for steadfastness. Having bid farewell to Ramadan, we must remember that worshipping Allah ﷻ and submitting ourselves to Him is unrestrictedly a year-round affair. 

Join ‘Reflections on Ramadan’ with Shaykh Mamdouh on Friday, May 6 after maghrib to learn more about being consistent in worship post-Ramadan. This event will also be available for online viewing at

We look forward to seeing you, in sha Allah (God willing)!