As Salaamu Alaikum,
The ISGH Sisters Committee (SC) is dedicated to reviving spiritual fellowship in the masjid. One of our goals in fulfilling this mission, is to make our masajid more inclusive and welcoming, particularly to under-served groups, like women. We want to provide our sisters with more opportunities to take a deeper interest in their spirituality, and prepare for leadership roles within our masajid.
As such, we are offering a $3,500 scholarship to a sister in our community. The ALIM program has partnered with us and has generously agreed to contribute.
ISGH Scholarship Amount $2,500 + ALIM Match $1,000 = $3,500
The ALIM Summer Program is a 3-week intensive held in Chicago from July 6th through July 28th where the focus is learning the basic framework of Islamic Sciences (Fiqh, Usul ul-Fiqh, Qawaid al-Fiqhiya, Ulum ul-Quran, Usual al-Hadith) and contemporary issues facing Muslims in America. Students will learn from some of the most accomplished Muslim scholars in America. More information can be found at
This program is open to sisters of any background, ages 20 and up. So, whether you are a college student, or a stay at home mom, a student of knowledge, or just beginning your journey, we encourage you to apply. The ideal candidate has some community service experience, is interested in issues that Muslims face in America, and is eager to give back and share her experience upon returning.
Please complete the following no later than April 29th, 2019:
1. Fill out a ALIM Summer Program Application. (
2. Complete the Sisters Committee ALIM Scholarship Form.
Decisions will be announced Thursday, May 24th and will be made by a panel of three sisters in the Sisters Committee with experience in writing, education and community service.
Jazakum Allahu Khayran,
The Sisters Committee
[email protected]