Last updated: June 26th, 2020
Click HERE to see the ISGH announcement issued on Friday, June 26th, 2020
Please be aware that at the time of this post the Masjid was without power due to the rainstorms. If power is not restored by Fajr, the first salah will be for Dhur tomorrow, Thursday, May 28th.
Assalamu Alaykum.
Alhumdulillah our Masjid will Inshallah open for the 5 daily salah, starting this Thursday, May 28th.
- Iqamah times for each salah are available on the Masjid App, website, and from THIS LINK
- Prayers will be held in the Multi-purpose Hall (Gym)
- Masjid gates will open 10 MINUTES BEFORE IQAMAH, and will close 5 MINUTES AFTER IQAMAH.
Everyone is requested and expected to abide by the process mentioned below. As required by the ISGH guidelines mentioned in a previous update (referenced HERE), anyone not abiding by these guidelines will not be permitted to enter the facility. PLEASE REVIEW THESE GUIDELINES CAREFULLY for the sake of everyone’s safety:
- Every one coming to attend the prayer MUST WEAR A MASK, bring a PRAYER RUG, and perform WUDU AT HOME.
- Make sure the mask covers BOTH your mouth AND your nose. Refer to THIS LINK to see how to correctly wear a mask.
- STAY 6 FEET APART from anyone else at all times.
- USE HAND SANITIZER if you have it before leaving your car and after you touch any surfaces within the masjid.
- When entering the gym, please proceed to one of the marked spots on the floor. BRING YOUR SHOES with you and keep these next to you.
- LEAVE IMMEDIATELY after performing your Fard/obligatory salah. Sunnh or Nafl prayers should be done at home.
- DON’T CROWD around any spot within or outside the Gym or in the parking lot.
- If you are OVER 65 YEARS of age, or UNDER 13 YEARS of age you are respectfully asked to not come. Please do NOT come and make it difficult for the volunteers who will be required to deny your entry.
- If you are FEELING SICK, or having ANY SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, or have any PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS that put you into the high-risk category, you will not be allowed to enter the masjid.
If anyone has any critical cleaning/disinfecting supplies at home that they can share with the masjid, please do so for the sake of Allah SWT. These will be immensely helpful in keeping your brothers and sisters safe.
A collection table will be available in the foyer of the gym where any such supplies may dropped. These could include:
- Hand sanitizers
- Disinfecting wipes and sprays
- Non-surgical masks
- Gloves