Assalamu Alaykum. On Friday, August 14th, there will be two Jummah prayers at Masjid AlSalam InshAllah.
First Jummah Salah:
- Khutbah at 1:30 PM (masjid gates will open at 1:00 PM)
- Khateeb: Sh. Mamdouh Mahmoud
Second Jummah Salah:
- Khutbah at 3:15 PM
- Khateeb: Ustadh Rodwan Saleh
Both khutbah’s can be viewed on the Masjid’s livestream using the following link:
Please remember that even though the Jummah prayers will be held, the ISGH Shura and administrators strongly encourage our community to continue to pray at home. The overwhelming majority of shuyukh including the ISGH Fatwa Council have made it clear that if you don’t attend your masjid out of concern for your and your family’s safety or due to insufficient capacity during our phased approach, you will be absolved from the responsibility and through Allah’s infinite mercy, Insha-Allah, it will not count against you.
For those that choose to attend the Jummah prayers at the masjd, please be aware of the following guidelines:
The guidelines below are for everyone’s safety and MUST be followed if coming to the Masjid. COMPLIANCE IS NOT OPTIONAL.
- The Masjid property will only be open for obligatory prayers (Fard) including Jummah. Sunnah and Nawafil prayers must be prayed at home
- Doors to the masjid will be closed after the maximum capacity for each Jummah has been reached
- Jummah prayer will be held in the Multi-purpose Hall (gym)
- The wudu and restroom area will remain closed. Congregants will need to make wudu prior to coming to the Masjid
- Six feet social distancing will apply, and the prayer area floor will be marked indicating spaces to stand for prayer
- Everyone MUST bring their own:
- Face Mask that cover both mouth and nose
- Prayer rug
- Anyone that shows up without a mask or a prayer rug will not be allowed to attend
- The Masajid are not responsible for providing masks or prayer rugs
- Due to limited space and health concerns, the following categories of people will NOT be allowed to attend during this phased opening:
- Children under 13
- Anyone feeling sick or having symptoms of illness
- Anyone with any pre-existing conditions that are considered high risk in case of infections
- We recommend elderly community members to continue to pray at home during the phased opening