Fall Carnival: Volunteers Needed

WHEN: Friday, November 4th, 2022 | 6:30 pm

WHERE: Masjid Al-Salam Gymnasium

WHO: Boys and girls, 14 & up

FORM: bit.ly/oyd-carnival-volunteer

The Office of Youth Development is looking for volunteers above the age of 14 who would like to give back to their community. We are hosting a Fall Carnival on November 5th and need the help of young talented teens who would like to help ensure the event runs smoothly.

Why volunteer?

-Builds character by reinforcing skills such as responsibility, teamwork, and problem solving.
-Provides a sense of fulfillment by spending your time giving back to the community and creating a wholesome experience for the attendees
-Fun environment to meet peers your age
-Looks good on a college application

Note: All volunteers must fill out the form linked above and attend the mandatory volunteer meeting.

We look forward to having you, in sha Allah (God willing)!

Questions? Call/text: (346) 530-6287

Bazaar Vendor? Call: (832) 458-5210

Connect with OYD: Email | Website Instagram WhatsApp YouTube