Last updated: April 19th, 2020
Bi-smi llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
“O turner of hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your faith.” – Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)
The heart changes frequently in its aims and intentions, and we can see this just by how much our heart’s aims and wishes vary within one hour.
In a midst of all these daily challenges and the constant adapting to the ever-changing culture…
Introducing, Conviction Discussion Series with the Students of Sh. Mamdouh and our Dir. of Youth Prog./Dev..
Envy, Love, Ishq, Desires, Pride …..
Please join us on Sundays from 8:00pm until 9:00pm on Zoom! This is an open invitation to all our college and above students/professional etc…
– – Please click here to access the registration form! – –
The book being used for these session is:
- The Diseases of the Heart And Their Cure by Sh. Ibn Taymiyyah and Sh. Ibn Qayyim rahimuallah
JazakumAllaahu Khayran!
Shayr the Khayr!
Office of the Youth Director ([email protected])