Construction Progress Update for Bathrooms

Assalamu Alaykum Dear Community Members,

Alhumdulillah the first phase of the bathroom construction project has completed.  This phase included the build out of the following:

  • Men’s wudu area
  • Men’s bathrooms (toilets, and shower areas)
  • Women’s wudu area.

Here are some pictures from the newly constructed areas.

The second phase has now started, which will include the the following:

  • Women’s bathrooms
  • Conversion of existing Men’s bathrooms to new office space

The second phase is expected to take approximately 8 weeks, InshAllah.

During construction, the Multi-Purpose Hall (Gym) bathrooms have been dedicated for sister’s use.

Please excuse the interruption and make dua that this project completes without any delays or interruptions.  Please make sure to avoid any areas marked off during construction to avoid the possibility of injury to you or someone else.